Everything Awesome

The road to Awesomeness




A climber uses a rockover  to efficiently shift their center of gravity by placing a foot high up on a hold and then rocking their weight over onto that foot, allowing them to reach higher on the wall, improve balance, and access new handholds by essentially moving sideways before moving upwards; it’s a key technique for navigating low-angled, spaced-out holds on a climbing surface. 

Key points about rockovers:

  • Access to new holds:By bringing one foot high up and rocking over, a climber can reach holds that might be difficult to access directly with a traditional upward step. 
  • Improved body positioning:A rockover can help a climber get their body into a more balanced and stable position on the wall. 
  • Efficient movement on low-angled terrain:When climbing on a slab (low-angled rock), rockovers are often necessary to smoothly transition between holds. 
  • Dynamic movement:Rockovers can be done dynamically, using momentum to swing the body weight over the high foot. 

Credit to the photo goes to Jack

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