Everything Awesome

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Prusik and more

Prusik and more


Prusik and more, The above are friction hitches, when under load they will tighten onto the red rope and act as a 3rd hand when self rescue, abseiling/rappelling down a crag. they are a backup to a belay device and should never be the only thing holding your weight (or anyone else’s).


Super strong, reliableRequires extra time and equipment to use
ideal for hauling a loadHarder to tie it properly
Slipping can occur without the appropriate amount of wraps


Very fast to install and breakdownTakes extra time and equipment to use
Simple visual inspectionSlipping can occur without the appropriate amount of wraps
Ideal for backing up a rappel


Very fast to install and breakdownTakes extra time and equipment to use
Simple visual inspectionSlipping can occur without the appropriate amount of wraps
Ideal for backing up a rappel


Very fast to install and breakdownRequires additional carabiner
Simple visual inspectionSlipping can occur without the appropriate amount of wraps
Ideal for backing up a rappelCarabiner ideally round stock
Potentially better in wet or icy conditions.
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